Particle Size Analysis
Particle size distribution analysis has become an integral part of both research and process control industries. There are a number of techniques available:
Laser Light Scattering Technique utilizes Mie and Fraunhofer Theories to determine particle size distribution from a light scattering pattern. We have both available, using the Saturn Digisizer 5200 for these techniques. The Saturn Digisizer 5205 is the highest resolution instrument available, capable of distinguishing small differences in your sample. The particle size range is 0.07 um to 1000 um. The X-Ray Sedimentation Technique takes advantage of the natural tendency of particles to separate by size as they settle through a liquid medium. The mass fraction in each size class is determined by the adsorption of soft X-rays. We utilize the SediGraph 5120 which has a particle size measurement range of 0.1 um to 300 um. Dynamic Image Analysis uses an automated device which presents a falling sample to a CCD image microprocessor which takes digital images of the particles as they fall. Once this image has been captured, we can determine the size of the particle by assuming either a spherical or cubical shaped geometry. The POLA 3000 is used for this measurement and the particle measurement range is 40 um to 100 millimeters. In addition to measuring particle size, the POLA 3000 can measure particle shape. Light Obscuration Technique uses the obscuration of laser light to determine a particle's size. As this system is counting every particle that passes the laser, it can also determine the total particle count of a sample. Due to the small sample size required by the PAMAS, it can analysis extremely dilute samples, ie in 3 ml of liquid. As the PAMAS is calibrated in accordance with USP standards, pharmaceutical testing can be completed. The particle measuring range is 0.7 um to 200 um. Particle & Surface Sciences Analytical Services Laboratory also offer particle size analysis using stacked Test Sieves. The results of the sieve analysis can be combined with data from other sizing techniques to provide a composite report accounting for all of the sample material. PsS supply a full range of Test Sieves for sale if required, these are available in stainless steel, woven wire mesh or perforated plate.
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